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We love maple - it is one of the highlights of the year for us. The time that we spend as a family preparing the woods, gathering the sap, boiling it down to syrup, and chatting with each of our gracious and devoted customers is very enjoyable. Truly, making maple syrup and its products is just a glorified hobby to us, a chance to enjoy life while making a quality product and meeting new friends. 


Of all the different things we do in our part of beautiful northern Michigan, making maple syrup is the most memorable. As I'm sure you know, there is nothing like walking into our sugarhouse. The aroma of boiling maple syrup could hardly be called an attack on your sense of smell - it is more like the delightful fulfillment of a craving. The sugary scent soothingly lures you inside to find out what we make and how we make it. 

You then get a quick tour that may leave you with more questions than answers, and are finally brought to our display of jugs and fancy glass bottles from which you may choose your syrup. If you happen to chance by on certain rare occasions, we may even give you a taste of the really fresh stuff. And what a taste it is!  Unmatched by even Aunt Jemima's processed plagarization, its combination of warmth and delicate sweetness cannot be equaled with mere words. There are just some things that cannot be explained, they must be experienced. Unfortunately, you had to continue in your way through life as we all do, so you got your maple supply for the year with a bag of cookies for the road and perhaps one or two gifts for the relatives, and said your "goodbyes" with a promise to be back again next year. This relationship with you is the reason that we stay in the maple business. 


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